Well we all survived the double trouble surgery day. Both Miles and Ryan were excellent. We got there around 7:45 and left the hospital at 10:30, so it was quite quick, but there was a lot of waiting and they both did excellent. They were only back in the operating room for no more than twenty minutes each. The nurse told us before hand to expect them to be a little crazy when they come out of the anthestetic, that they may even be a little possesed. I just kind of chuckled about that, but boy she sure wasn't kidding. Ryan came back first and he was OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!!!! He needed to drink before they could give him pain medicine and he wanted some apple juice. So the nurse brought him a nice cup of apple juice with that fun crunchy ball ice and a straw and he wanted NOTHING to do with it. He refused screaming, kicking, flayling around, because he wanted his apple juice in a box. So the nurse called the cafeteria, nope only in bottles, she brought one of those in and he still absolutely refused. Then the nurses came up with the idea of a milk box with the apple juice in it. That came in and that was the end all. He knew immediately that it was a milk box. There was a picture of a llama on the back and he kept saying over and over "See it is a cow," So for the next 45 minutes, he kept saying "IT IS A COW!" I wanted to take a picture of the scowl he had on his face but I didn't dare. Because meanwhile as all of this was happening, we kept trying to get him to stop crying and calm down and I would rub his leg or touch him and he would sit up and call me names and tell me he hates me and spit at me. All I could do was laugh, because it was so out there. Luckily Mark was holding him and trying to hold him still and he kept him from crashing to the ground several times. He sat in his underware and wouldn't let anyone touch him. Finally we were able to put clothes on him and get him some pain medicine (still with nothing to drink!) and leave the hospital. After picking up Jonathan, where was the first place we went..... the grocery store to get some juice in a darn box!!!!!
Miles came in quiet as a mouse and stayed that way the whole time, he got a little edgy and cried until they brought him some medicine because of the pain, but he was very calm and I was so glad that I was holding him. But tonight they are both doing wonderful and they say that they can hear so clear and great now. So the surgery was a success and I am glad it is done. Good Night!
when ella had her last surgery she had a similar reaction, but she was pissed at the IV. she kept yelling at us to get it out and she kept pulling at it, and eventually pulled it partially out. yeah, she was livid.
Ryan looks so cute and innocent in the photos. You would never guess that soon after he would turn into a mad man! But, I am glad they are both doing well.
Oh My Gosh! I can't believe I found your blog. I ran into Kim (Suttles) last night at a baby shower and we have recently connected through blogs - anyway, we were talking who else we had found and she mentioned you. I was so excited to know you had a blog so of course I was on a quest to find it. Low and behold it didn't take much time to find you - this is a small world after all. Now I have to drop you a line and say hello. You look great and your family looks great. Cute little boys!
Quick question: What surgery did your boys have to have? Was it scary?
Drop me a line sometime - so good to catch up on your blog!
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