Sunday, September 20, 2009


Well I did it! But for starters, I have the most awesome husband in the world (sorry ladies) He is absolutely amazing and I never could have accomplished this life long goal without him. The last 18 weeks have been a lot of work and he has done so much. Always watching the boys, running ice baths, making me eggs and being so supportive. I love ya babe! Second, My Mom and Dad are the best parents ever! (sorry everyone) They have been so interested and excited from the very beginning. My mom told me that she would be supportive of anyone who even thought about running 26 miles. They helped me so much and financially made it possible for me to do this. Thanks Mom and Dad!!! Thanks to everyone who came to the race and fought traffic and people to help support me, it really means the world to me.

Now the big day. I woke up at 3:30 even though the alarm did not go off until 4:30. I nursed Blakers one last time and said a huge prayer that he would be okay. I got up, put on sunscreen and aquaphor (to prevent chaffing) and got dressed. I wanted to run in shorts and a tank top, but the race started at the top of a canyon and so I dressed in my outfit and then put pants and a sweatshirt over the top, so I wouldn't freeze in the canyon. I then put on my number and my chip timer that went around my ankle. My dad got up at 5:00 to help me and make me breakfast. It was so awesome. I got choked up saying bye to him and then I went out to get into the car and my neighbor had made me a good luck sign and balloons. another tear jerker. After I had made sure I ate and had everything ready to go, MD drove me down to the park, where I had to load a school bus to go to the starting line. I got to the park at 5:30 and waited for a half hour to load the bus. It was so fun to watch everyone and see all sorts of people. This is where it would of been so nice to have someone with me, to be able to talk and enjoy it all with. When we got to Hardware ranch (40 mins later) Everyone was standing in line for the porta poddies. There were at least 30 of them and a ton of people. While in line, the buses were leaving and they were taking all the clothes, so I had to get into my shorts and long tshirt and it was freezing!! Low 30s. Then the gun went off while I was still in the bathroom line, I started to panic and someone said it was the wheelchair gun. So I hurried and went to the bathroom and I was coming down the hill, and the starting gun went off. It was so neat to be up above and see the whole sea of people start to move. So I ran down and stood to the side of the start line and fixed my ipod, turned on my watch, took a deep breath, and jumped in and ran across the starting line. (the race is timed on the chip timers and so my time didn't start until I ran across the line, even though it was about two minute after the gun went off.) It was still dark out and the sun was just coming up behind us and it was so amazing. I loved running in the crowd of people and listening to everyone and just the excitement I had was so overwhelming. The hard part is to not start out to fast because I didn't want to die at the end, but I just started picking people out who were about my same pace and watching for them. The first aid station was at mile 3 and it came so fast I couldn't believe it. I finally ditched my gloves and longsleeve shirt at mile 7 and that was like taking off a sweaty five pound weight. We ran in the canyon for the first 14 miles and no spectators were allowed in the canyon, so it was just runners. The canyon was so beautiful, it was just changing for fall and all of the beautiful colors were starting to show on the trees. It was very serene and nice. Then the wind started to pick up at our backs towards the mouth of the canyon and push me and that was a nice boost. When I reached mile 13, I was there at 2hours 10 minutes and I couldn't believe it. I was like ok I am already halfway, let's do this. I still had tons of energy and I felt awesome! When I came out of the canyon the whole street was lined with people yelling, and cheering and it was so great. It really was so nice to have people cheering. I was coming up on mile 17 and I saw a kid who looked like Miles, then I thought it wasn't Miles and then that it was(he was carrying a huge stick so I knew it was him) and then I saw ryan trailing along and then Mark, Jonathan and my dad. I was able to say hi and good to see you as I ran by. It was so great to see them and it gave me a great boost. I still felt really good and I was really happy with how it was going. I couldn't believe how fast it was going by, they had mile markers and it really just broke up the race by helping me tell myself to make it to 18 and 19 and so on. I saw the boys, my dad, and mark a little after Mile 20, and this is when I was entering uncharterted territory. I had only trained up to 20 and that was a hard run, but at a little after 20 I still felt pretty good. I only had 6 to go and I was going to make it. I ran passed my friend tessa, who had rode her bike on every long run, and I told her she should of rode in this one. I kept waiting to hit the well known wall, and it wasn't coming, I hit mile 23 and I was tired, but my body felt good, my knees and hips werent hurting at all and that was so nice. Everyone was starting to walk a ton at this point and I knew if I did I wouldn't start again, so I was weaving in and out of all the people. My Dad and my sister Becky were at mile 24 and I wasn't so talkative then, I was only able to muster up a smile and that was about it. This is where I had to start talking to myself and saying that the pain would only be a minute but the memory of this race would be forever. I finally came to the 26 mile marker and I had to turn the corner to finish the last two/tenths of the race. The street is lined with people and the big finish line thing is there, I could hear all of my family and friends cheering and I saw mark's red shirt out of the corner of my eye, but I didn't even turn and look because it was all I could muster to keep myself going. I gave it my all and finished in 4 hours and 27 minutes and I didn't walk once!! When you go over the finish line the announcer tells your name and that was cool to hear my name called. You walk down the runners chute and they take off your timer and put a medal on you and then send you for a picture, and I am sure that one will look great! Then you walk into a runners area that has tons of gatorade, water, chocolate milk cheese, crakers, fruit and then I saw the fat boy's so I took three ( I only got a few bites, because my boys ate the rest, of course!) I waited in the runners area until MD came and found me and I went out to see my family. I felt so good, I felt so happy and it was the sixth most memorable, amazing day of my life! I can't believe I did it, I accomplished something I have wanted to do my entire life and I can't wait to do it again!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

About Time...

I was going through my journals a few sunday's ago and I realized, I haven't written in them since two months before I got married. OOPS! I guess I am going to have to rely on memory for the last nine years. So with that on my brain, I figured I would post a little for posterity about a memorable time to me.
I am running 26.2 miles on Saturday in my first Marathon and I have a little anxiety of the whole thing. I ran 20 miles three weeks ago and I was able to complete it in about 3 hours and 20 minutes, and I didn't have to walk at all. That will hopefully keep me in my time goal for the marathon. This is the highest mileage that I will go in my training. So the last 6.2 have me a little nervous. Luckily that will be when there are a lot of people around to help motivate me. I have to remember that my body is ready, it better be, I have had 18 weeks of 25-40 miles a week, I hope that I can pull out the mental toughness. When I ran 20 the first 15 miles of the run went fairly well and then my body just started to get really tired. About Mile 18 my legs were really aching and I was starting to lose it mentally. My friend who rides her bike with me, was soooo helpful and kept me going. I was a little disappointed because two weeks before I had ran 19 in the pouring rain and I had an awesome run but I guess there are good runs and bad runs and I hope Saturday is a good one. Too bad I won't have anyone with me on Saturday, just the ipod. When I finished the 20. I was so happy and relieved to have it done. And it felt great to know that I could do it. Mark tells me " come on you've run 20 what is another 6.2, and then he goes oh yeah, six miles is far!!" So this will be where I define myself, and show what I am made of. This is a dream/goal I have had my entire life, so I am so excited to see what comes of it. My Mom and Dad will be coming from Wyoming (since they have been the marathon sponsors) and my two sisters and one brother and mark's sisters family, it will be so nice to have a lot of support. Thank you everyone, it means so much to me!!
My big fear is leaving Blake for so long, I have to leave around 5:15 and I probably won't get to him until noon. I have been trying to cut back the nursing but I think he is on to me and he wants to nurse 24/7. But I know MD is very capable and with my family here they can deal with a grumpy Blake. Miles keeps asking me what I am going to get when I win. I keep telling him that I am not going to win, my goal is to finish and then I will get a medal. He keeps going, "Oh mom, you will probably win a lot of money, maybe you should start running a lot to make money." Oh the determination of children and the belief that you can do anything. Thanks Mi! I will be posting more this week because I want to document this event somewhere and since the journals aren't cutting it this will have to do.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hey Alex....

This one is for you, Alex!!! HA HA, (like the cutting board)

Friday, August 21, 2009

My Baby is One!

July 21st, 2008

July 21st, 2009

Blake didn't know what to think while everyone was singing to him

Mesmorized by the candle

This is about as close as he got to his toys all night, all of the boys kept taking everything away from him when he wanted to play with it. It was making his mommy a little grumpy!

Blake's second birthday celebration

This time he knew exactly what to do with the cake!

We celebrated Blake's birthday twice. On his actual birthday, I was in Wyoming with my parents and so Mark didn't get to celebrate Blakes birthday with us. So we did another party in Logan for his birthday with Becky and Shane and the gang. I am always up for a party and Blake sure enjoyed it. I didn't get to throw my big first birthday bash for Blake this year, so I am still going to do his big Luau next summer, so Mark got off the hook for having to cook a pig this summer, but that just gives me another year, to make it all the more magnificent! (and think of some more fun things for Mark to do!!!)
Well my baby is now one and I can't believe it. The time goes so fast and he is so amazing. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. We all love his personality and how he just adores all of his brothers. He has started to talk and I love this stage, he says ball, more, and the boys all say he can call them by name, yeah I know it is amazing to hear him say Jonathan! He is not walking on his own yet, and that shows that he will be a very obedient son, because I have been telling him all along to take his time and he is doing just that. What a good boy! We love you Blake!

Miles is a 2nd Grader!

Miles started second grade on Thursday August 20th. He was so excited to go back to school and be the big second graders at school. Miles' school is only K-2nd, so he is the big man on campus this year. Everyone was ready to go to school and were very sad when they didn't get to go. Ryan does not start until next Thursday and Jonathan goes after Labor day. So the next few weeks are full of "do I go to school today?" Miles really loves his new teacher and had some of the same kids from last year in his class. I am so proud of him and I can't believe how big he is getting.

Miles and Jonathan with the class frog

Miles at his desk, looking good

I have been wanting to start some fun first day of school traditions, so this is one I found and I made everyone their name out of pancakes, and then we got a delivery from the Magic school bus, and the boys got some fun school supplies. And the night before school, Mark gave the boys father's blessings for a new school year and that was very neat. I think we had a fun start of school and I think the boys really liked it. Now we have to do something fun next Thursday when Ryry goes to Kindergarten. He told me after we went to Back to School night, that he didn't want to go to school anymore, he just wanted to skip all the grades. Oh Ryan!

Jonathan wanted a picture in Miles' classroom and was ready to go to his classroom

Monday, July 13, 2009

Run Mommy Run

Well we are going on a three month stretch of no blogging, so I thought I would end the hiatus! We have been very busy the last little while, so instead of trying to play catch up, I will just start from the present.
I have decided to post about my CRAZY idea to run a marathon is September. I have always, always wanted to do one and I figured now was the perfect time. So this past Saturday, I ran 15 miles and wooo weee, it was a duzie. The first seven miles were fine, but then I started to really drag and I had to go to the bathroom sooo bad, so luckily I ran by a park (three miles later) and was able to find some relief. Mark and the boys came out in the car when I was about three miles from home, and I was sooooo tempted to jump on in. But the boys were so excited to see me and were yelling and cheering for me. It was really great and it gave me the little boost I needed to make it home. This saturday I run 11 and then the next is 17, so I will give some updates later. After I ran on saturday we jumped in the car for a six hour car ride to my parents and I felt like I was 90 years old when I got out of the car. I guess to much of a good thing can end up killing you! So we shall see.
The boys and I will be at my parents for the next two weeks and we will be celebrating Blake's first birthday while we are here, I can't believe he is one!!!!! So we will put up some pictures while we are here.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Time

We decorated easter eggs this morning. Miles wanted to do it the moment he woke up, so we had to stall him until we had at least had some breakfast. Everyone had a great time and wanted to do more eggs, but I told them that until they were willing to eat all the of the eggs they dye, they would have to do less. So now we will be eating eggs for a week. Miles said he is going to eat all 8 of his eggs tomorrow for Breakfast, I will let you know how well that goes.

Miles and his cheesy grin
ryan still waking up

Jonathan had so much fun and kept wanting more pictures.

here the cheese is again.

I had to get a picture of Blake enjoying the easter egg party,
although he only enjoyed the spoons.

Blake just got his first two teeth several weeks
ago, so he was checking them out again.
and Miles has just got his first loose tooth and he couldn't be happier
It seems like once a week since he has been in first grade he has asked if he has a loose tooth and now finally he does. He told me that he can't stop thinking about his wiggly tooth and how he always needs to be eating apples. So cute!!

Happy 40th Mom and Dad!

The Happy Couple!

Jonathan and Blake in Grandpa's chair.
The massager was on and they were loving it.
Jonathan dressed himself, hence the halloween shirt.
Oh well at least he was dressed.

Blakie and Aunt Laura

Before the Shave....

After the shave... Looking good Michael

Jonathan really wanted to sit in the high chair at dinner,
he looks pretty happy about it

Blake and Grandpa

Mark and Blake enjoying dinner!

Jonathan is much happier sitting with Sarah

Ryan and Josh

The naked warriors...
I guess Miles and Ryan were hot on the way home. So off came the shirts.

We went to Wyoming for my mom and dad's 40th wedding anniversary celebration last weekend. We had a really good time. It was fun to be together with everyone in the family and make some fun memories. It is a six hour drive to Worland, and all of the boys (even Mark) did a wonderful job in the car. We had a really good time. It made it worth the trip. I can't believe it has been 40 years. That is a long time. WOW! Good for you two mom and dad, I am sure it has all been wonderful and sweet.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cookie Time

I love to bake and cook. I love to try new recipes. I am obssesed with food blogs. So usually once or twice a week, we make a new treat. I think that my helpers like to help make the treat more than they like the finished product. So here are my helpers enjoying their favorite part of helping in the kitchen.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Science Fair

Miles participated in the Science Fair at his school on Thursday night. He had so much fun and really enjoyed doing the project. He loved having people come and interview and ask questions about his project. It is so fun to watch your children grow up and enjoy doing it. He is so great, it was great to watch him interact with other people and see him explain what he did. He is already thinking about what he wants to do next year. Way to go Miles!