I love Halloween. I love how excited my boys get about dressing up. I love going trick or treating. Or helping my boys go trick or treating. I love to see all the different types of candy that the boys get and then I love the 50% off candy the day after!! Ryan ended up being really sick with the flu on Halloween and so I was afraid he wouldn't be able to go out. But he really wanted to go, so we put him in the double stroller and pushed him right up to the door and then he walked up to get his candy. He made it about two blocks and then he didn't have any more energy. Poor guy! So I took his bag up with me to the rest of the places we went. I told the people that I had a sick little boy in our stroller, they probably thought it was all for me. OH well, what we do for our kids. Jonathan was so cute, he loved going to each house and getting candy. After each house he wanted to open up his candy and eat it, so we kept having to put it into his bag and remind him that there was more candy. It was a beautiful night and not cold at all. I don't think I will be ready when we actually have a really cold Utah halloween.
How much cuter could you all be? I just miss you and your family...wish we could all have endless park days and MOMS Club parties for the rest of our lives. So great to keep up with all of you!
he is pretty much the cutest little pumpkin i've ever seen!!!
such a cute family pic too!!!!
I still cant get over 4 boys!!!!
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