Monday, July 14, 2008

Baby Update!

Well we still only have three boys right now. At my last Dr. visit, there had been no change (last Wed.) so I thought, "why do I even come and torture myself like this!" But he has my due date as Saturday the 19th, so I am going with that one. But who knows, we are finally all ready to go and prepared for baby. Clothes and car seat are washed and crib and cradle are set up and waiting to have a baby to hold. Now I am just taking up time with cleaning walls, scrubbing floors and polishing the hard wood. Ya know all the normal day to day things I usually do!! So hopefully by the end of the week we will have some new baby pictures to show. But my Dr. will automatically do a csection next week if baby hasn't come by then. So keep your fingers crossed that he comes before then. But until then I will keep up with my cleaning, Mark refused to let me climb up on the roof and clean the skylights, (I don't know why, Ha) so I will stick to scrubbing the siding on the house. Till baby comes, I will be adding some old posts that I have been wanting to put up.


Shane and Becky said...

We'll be keeping you in our prayers for him to come this week. But, If you do have a C-section again...mine have been easier with each child. Maybe its just a blessing from above as my kids have needed me to recover faster with each one. Or maybe the body just knows what to expect and it seems easier...maybe a little of both. Either way you will be fine and it will be awsome to just have him out and there to hold and love.

Stephanie said...

I will keep my fingers crossed for you that you will be holding a baby soon. And if you get done cleaning your house I have some baseboards that need cleaning. Maybe all I need to do is get prego and I will get the energy to do some hard cleaning!?!?!?

Unknown said...

We are praying that you'll give birth real soon and that he'll be healthy and strong. We also pray you'll do well with the ordeal. We love you