February 18th, 2008
Jonathan turned two. He really didn't care all day, until we started to sing Happy Birthday and bring out presents. Then when he saw his toys, he was very excited. He really liked to blow out the candles and eat cake. We have had two awesome years with this boy and he is so fun and cute. I am hoping he can just bypass the "twos and threes" not fun stage. Happy Birthday Jonathan!
And here I thought you had every Thomas toy there was. I love that he too enjoys playing with those trains. I am hoping we get another kid who loves Thomas as well, get some more use out of Lukes fatal attraction. All that money worth of trains... just sitting in a plastic bin, what a bummer!
Is Jonathan starting in on the terrible two's? Ella is driving me crazy! She is getting sooooo bossy and stubborn. I never remembered Luke starting it all so soon. I guess that was the big perk of Luke's language delays though.
i'd like to place an order for that YUMMY looking chocolate cake...do you ship out of state? happy birthday jonathan!
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