I guess getting into the blogging thing, I have to follow the rules and I finally saw on my friend Shari's site that she had tagged me to answer these questions about myself, (by the way, her blog was from about two weeks ago) so here goes, don't laugh to hard, or I guess get a good laugh if you need one.
I've been tagged...
1. What was I doing ten years ago?March 1998 - I was finishing up my last semester at BYU getting ready to graduate and start a teaching career.
2. Five things on my to-do list today:
a. return books to library
b. go running
c. clean my bathroom
d. go to Sam's Club
e. call about carpet cleaning
(all done except clean my bathroom, surprise, surprise.)
3. What snacks do I enjoy?
Any thing that looks or sounds or smells like a dessert or sweet thing. I love fruit and am really trying to have veggies be something I like to snack on.
4. What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire?
Do some remodeling on my house. Hire an interior decorator to decorate it. Have a house cleaner or maybe even a live in housekeeper. Send all my laundry out for cleaning. Have a chef to cook three days a week, I like to cook to much to give up the other four. Hire a personal trainer. Take a lot of fun vacations. Move back to California? I would have to think on that one. Buy my family all something they really want or need and can't afford.
5. Three bad habits:
a. I start so many projects and not follow through, it drives Mark crazy.
b. I am a huge piler. I start to sort things out and then get distracted and leave big piles of stuff.
c. I love to be spontaneous but with 3 and a half kids, sometimes I don't think thing through well enough.
6. Five Places Where I lived:
a. Fountain Valley, California
b. Worland, Wyoming
c. Rexburg, Idaho
d. Provo, Utah
e. Logan, Utah
7. Five jobs I have had:
a. Migrant head start teacher
b. Consultant for Sears Home Repair Services
c. Server at Galaxy Diner
d. School Teacher
e. Preschool Teacher
8. Five things people don't know about me:
a. I always read the obituary page in the newspaper.
b. I talk to my sister almost every day during the week
c. I made a family crest in my communications class, when I was a sophomore in college saying, I wanted a family of five boys! Well almost there, WHAT was I thinking.
d. I am scared to death of spiders
e. I am obssesed with looking at food blogs.
So there you have it!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It is finally warming up!
Miles and Daddy's trip to Beaver Mountain!
Mark took Miles up to the local ski resort on Saturday to give Miles a chance to learn how to snowboard. They only did the hill that used the rope tow, so that Miles has a chance to figure it all out before they go on the big slopes. It took Miles a little while to figure out the tow rope, so Mark got his exercise walking Miles up the tow rope each time. Finally he felt comfortable doing the rope tow on his own and so Mark was able to snowboard with him. All in all, they came home happy and said it was a lot of fun. So the two of them will definitely be going again. Now we need to get Ryan going!!!
Happy Birthday Jonathan!!
February 18th, 2008
Jonathan turned two. He really didn't care all day, until we started to sing Happy Birthday and bring out presents. Then when he saw his toys, he was very excited. He really liked to blow out the candles and eat cake. We have had two awesome years with this boy and he is so fun and cute. I am hoping he can just bypass the "twos and threes" not fun stage. Happy Birthday Jonathan!
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